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Per His Eminence Metropolitan Sarabion, Effective immediately all public Divine Liturgies
and Services in our Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Los Angeles have been suspended
until further notice due to the coronavirus outbreak .
May God protect us all.
بناء علي بيان ابينا المطران الانبا سيرابيون، و الذي يتم تطبيقه من اليوم سوف يتم توقيف جميع القداسات الإلهية والخدمات العامة في ايبارشية كنيستنا
القبطية الأرثوذكسية في لوس أنجلوس بسبب انتشار فيروس كورونا حتى إشعار آخر. الله يحمينا جميعا
St. John The Beloved Feast Day — St. John4th Day of the Coptic Month of Tubah (3rd week of January)On this day, in the year 100 A.D., St. John, the Evangelist and the Apostle who was the son of Zebedee, departed. St. John Chrysostom said that St. John the Evangelist was originally a disciple of St. John the Baptist.
A spiritual hermitage in green valleys of the mountains where you can see millions of stars at night.
Our community is actively involved in the life of locals that require humanitarian support on a regular basis.
We appreciate your contribution to the donation programs and will happily accept any help we can get.
Experience deep inner peace—the state of samadhi. Increase self-awareness, clarity, & creativity. Become fully experienced thanks to us in just a few hours.
Powerful breathing techniques and wisdom that will transform your life. Equip yourself with practical knowledge and techniques to unlock your true potential and bring fullness to your life.
Experience deep inner peace—the state of samadhi.Increase self-awareness, clarity, & creativity. Become fully experienced thanks to us in just a few hours.
Powerful breathing techniques and wisdom that will transform your life. Equip yourself with practical knowledge and techniques to unlock your true potential and bring fullness to your life.